So now you've entered the desired Template, Blank Canvas, or Project you were looking to build your experience within. How do you start?


There are a few ways to learn how:

  1. Watch this short tutorial video (<5min)

  2. Follow along with me building an experience and speaking over it teaching you how to use our creation tools -- > COMING SOON

  3. Here is a written out step-by-step How to Build:

    <aside> 📌 For first time users to Agora World, at any moment you can access our instructions and "help" menu on How to Use Agora World by clicking "H". For a full breakdown of our Controls you can go here.



    1. "T" = Toolbox

      1. In the Toolbox menu:


        1. Save” = Saves your experience.

          <aside> 📌 We do not currently offer AutoSave so please make sure to Save before exiting


        2. "Ghost Mode" = no gravity, can go through walls. Move freely in any direction (fly). This is great for building from a bird's eye view rather than on the ground (this is disabled at the start as it's recommended for advanced users)

        3. "Edit Mode" = When in edit mode, you can make edits. When you're not in edit mode, you will view the world as your users would. It's essentially changing from having "Edit Permission" to "View-Only" permission.

        4. "Create" = This is where you'll find all of the plugins and custom assets you added or that were already added by the template to the experience. This is also where you can upload custom 2D assets and 3D assets.

    2. How to spawn, move, and manipulate assets



      • MAC: COMMAND-Z


      • WINDOWS: CONTROL-SHIFT-Z </aside>
      1. In the Create menu, you’ll find all plugins already added to the project. We automatically add “Agora World Core” to each project to enable you to do more with your project.


      2. To use custom 2D/3D content, you will want to leverage the 3D Slot and Media Slot. Follow these tutorials to upload and use your very own custom content:

        1. To upload or use Custom 2D content, follow this tutorial
        2. To upload or use Custom 3D content, follow this tutorial
        3. To upload or use custom Plugins that you’ve uploaded via the Agora World Unity SDK, follow this tutorial here
    3. Want to collaborate with someone else to build the experience?

      1. Our platform supports up to 100 people building together at any moment! To share your experience:
        1. click "ESC" to pull up the main menu.

          Screenshot (320).png

        2. In the top right corner of the Main Menu, you have a few options

          1. Change Experience Code: click the pen icon to customize the code associated with your experience (Pro Feature)
          2. Copy Code: This will copy your Experience code. Share this with your collaborators who can join by simply pasting the code into the “Join” text box to enter your experience.
          3. Copy URL: Copy the link to your Experience Page (example here). Your experience page is a simple way for you to share your experience with others, including additional information about your experience and join links.
        3. Once there, you'll see your "Experience Code" and the ability to "Copy Code". Click "Copy Code" and share it with your collaboators who can now join your pricate building instance by entering the app, clicking "Join Experience" and pasting in that room code!

    4. How to Customize Your Experience Info

      1. Click ESC to open the Main Menu


      2. On the main menu, you can modify:

        1. Experience Code (how one accesses your experience)
        2. Room Name: The name of your experience
        3. Description: Add a description to tell your users more about your experience
        4. Feature Image: Image showing/telling more about your experience. A picture tells a thousand words (your 3D experience tells a million)

Ready to publish the experience or save your creation as a Template to reuse, remix, or share with others to use?

NEXT: Go To Final Steps: Publish an Experience or Save as a Template