
  1. Using the Agora World UnitySDK
  2. Using the Agora World SDK in a different Unity Project (recommended)
    1. Downloading and Importing the Agora World UnitySDK
    2. Export AltspaceVR World Package
    3. Import AltspaceVR World Package
    4. Delete AltspaceVR Specific Code
    5. Upload World to Agora World!
  3. Using the Agora World SDK in your AltspaceVR World Unity Project
    1. Launching AltspaceVR Unity Project in Supported Unity Version
    2. Importing the Agora World Unity SDK
    3. Delete AltspaceVR Specific Code
    4. Upload World to Agora World!

1. Using the Agora World Unity SDK

Introducing the Agora World Unity SDK! Here, you'll discover everything needed to create captivating and interactive 3D environments, assets, custom code, and integrations on Agora World.

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The Agora World Unity SDK is powered by Unity and offers a vast array of tools and capabilities to design mesmerizing 3D experiences that can be shared with others. Whether you're:

The Agora World SDK has everything you'll need to actualize your imagination. Ready? Let's go!

2**. Agora World Unity SDK in Same Project**

The following steps are for those looking to import and use the Agora World Unity SDK in the same project that your AltspaceVR worlds currently live. Building in the same project can save you time from exporting and importing your AltspaceVR worlds into a new project.


<aside> 💡 This may cause issues and you won’t be able to recover your Altspace world in original form unless you use version control like Git, or zip your entire Altspace Unity project folder as a backup.


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Now that you have your project up and running with the correct Unity Version and Agora World's Unity SDK imported, you're ready to get your AltspaceVR World published.