
  1. To create your first World Base
  2. Use the _AgoraWorldSDKQuickStart
  3. Updating a World
  4. Advanced Setup
  5. Report Issues

A "World Base" in Agora World is essentially a Unity scene that can serve as the basis of an Agora World experience. Some people may use a World Base as a starting point, adding additional customization via our Sandbox in-app, while others may package their entire experience as a World Base. World Bases also contain AgoraWorldSDK prefabs that hook into our slot-based media and booth systems, as well as do things like set default spawn points.

On the technical end, a World Base gets packaged as a single assetbundle, and you can only have one World Base selected per Agora World experience. When users join an experience, our core foundation code loads as one scene, then the selected World Base gets loaded on top, and finally the Sandbox loads objects on top of that.

<aside> 💡 If you need custom code in your World Base, check out the Custom Code section after.


1. To create your first World Base:

  1. Open your Unity Project with the Agora World SDK Imported

    1. If you haven't done this yet, follow the instructions in our Getting Started guide for New Unity Projects or Existing Projects.
  2. Create and open a new Unity scene (or open one you want to publish as a world)

    1. If you don't have a scene created, Right-Click in your Project window inside the Unity Editor, and select Create->Scene. Name the scene something appropriate.
  3. Make sure there are not any Camera components in your Scene

    1. Delete cameras from Hierarchy with Right-Click->Delete.
    2. Leaving them will mess with our in-app camera rig (unless you know what you're doing with enabling/disabling them for custom functionality).
  4. Drag and drop the _AgoraWorldSDKQuickStart prefab into your scene

    <aside> 🚨 WARNING: If you do not do this, you risk potential issues when uploading or updating a world.


    1. This prefab is located at Assets/AgoraWorldSDK/WorldSDK/Prefabs.
    2. Position it wherever you want users to spawn when they join the world.
  5. Open the WorldSDK window and Sign In

    1. This can be found via the top menu bar of the Unity Editor (AgoraWorld->WorldSDK)

    2. Sign in if you haven't already (and if you still need an account you must make one in the Agora World app:

      image (10).png

  6. Click "Create New World"

    1. Give your world a Name and then proceed to Drag and drop your Scene file from the Project window into the World Scene slot of the WorldSDK window.

      image (11).png

    2. Fill in the metadata fields

      1. Types of metadata: Name, description, tags, occupancy, feature image (recommended under 1mb)
        1. We'll ignore the custom map fields for now (see the advanced guide for that info).

    image (12).png