Agora World has support for 2 different Unity renderers.

We highly recommend using URP, and have helpful setup prompts built in to the SDK to make using URP as simple as possible. However, if you absolutely need to use the legacy built-in render pipeline for your world/plugins, it is available.


The most important thing to keep in mind with using the legacy render pipeline is that worlds and plugins of different render pipelines CANNOT be mixed together. The WORLD BASE that an experience uses determines which render pipeline will be set active. That means if you’re using a world with the legacy render pipeline, any plugin using URP renderer (the Agora World recommended default) will not be supported. Similarly, if you want to create plugins with the legacy render pipeline, you’ll also need to use a world base that uses the legacy render pipeline. Otherwise, the plugins that don’t match the world base pipeline will not show in the app.

Converting Legacy Built-In Renderer Materials to URP Materials

Seeing pink textures after upgrading to URP? Unity has a handy tool to easily convert legacy materials (note: this cannot be undone so make sure you’ve backed up your project or are ready to upgrade).

To upgrade your project’s materials to URP:

  1. At top menu bar of Unity Editor, click Window→Rendering→Render Pipeline Converter
  2. In the window that opens, change the dropdown at the top to Built-in to URP
  3. Click the Material Upgrade check box so that it is checked
  4. Click the Initialize Converters button at bottom left of this window
  5. A list of the materials that can be converted in your project will be shown in the Material Upgrade section. When you are ready, click the Convert Assets button in bottom right of the window.
  6. The materials will be converted! This may take a while depending on how many are in your project. When the process completes, the textures should now be showing and not pink.

If you’re having trouble with the above instructions, there is a tutorial with pictures here:

Note: Custom shaders that are not built in to the Unity Editor will not be automatically converted, or if they are they are less likely to work as intended.