Click the ESC key to access the menu from an experience.
Select the Appearance menu option.
Click the icons on the top row for more customization categories (Ex. Hair, Clothing, Glasses). Click the left and right arrows to see more categories.
For each avatar element, click the up and down arrows on the right side of the screen to see all available options, and select an option from the available choices. Click the Change Color button to change the color of any of these avatar elements.
When you are finished customizing your appearance, click Apply. To reset your choices to what you had before your most recent changes, click the Reset button.
Adding information about yourself to your profile card allows people to easily learn more about you and click your social links within an experience. Follow the steps below to create your own profile.
From the Main Menu
Open the dropdown menu in the top right for your account and select “My Profile”
Edit your information or add information such as General Info, Interests, About Me, and Social Links.
From inside of an Experience
Press ESC to go to the menu while within an experience.
Click Profile to view your profile.
Click into the About Me and Interests fields to add information about yourself. Copy and paste your desired Social Media links to the appropriate fields in Agora.
When you are finished, press Save.
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